Главная » game » UrT-UrbanTerror


Запуск в локальной сети выделенного сервера Urban Terror на Debian

\funblue mohwkbk,pbeardgn,viking
" seta funblue "pbeardgn" "
" seta funred "pbeardgn" "

weapon comparison:

/cl_cURLLib /usr/lib/libcurl.so OR  seta cl_cURLLib "/usr/lib/libcurl.so" in ~/.q3a/q3ut4/q3config.cfg


g_gravity 80

\addbot Scarab 5 blue 80 ScarabBot
\addbot Tiger 5 blue 80 TigerBot
\addbot Cheetah 5 red 80 CheetahBot
\addbot Goose 5 red 80 GooseBot
\addbot Goose 5 Blue 80 GooseBot
\addbot Scorpion 5 Red 80 ScorpionBot
\addbot Penguin 5 Blue 80 PenguinBot 2
\addbot Raven 5 Blue 80 RavenBot
\addbot Cobra 5 Red 80 CobraBot
\addbot Cockroach 5 Red 80 CockroachBot
\g_maxteamkills 9999

echo ‘addbot Nails 5 Blue NailerBotWithNegev’ >> bot.cfg

set g_gametype «4» // 0=FreeForAll, 3=TeamDeathMatch, 4=Team Survivor, 5=Follow the Leader, 6=Capture and Hold, 7=Capture The Flag, 8=Bombmode. (Default 4)

• sets sv_dlURL «urbanterror.info» // Sets the address for auto-downloading.set g_respawnDelay «8»  ///4
$cat bots.cfg
addbot chicken 5 Blue 76 b_chicken
addbot cheetah 5 Blue 76 b_cheetah
addbot cougar 5 Blue 76 b_cougar
addbot tiger 5 Blue 76 b_tiger
addbot scorpion 5 Blue 76 b_scorpion/exec bots.cfg
share map via «monkey»(github.com/monkey/monkey)
$ cat /etc/monkeyd/sites/default | egrep -v "^\s*(#|$)"
ServerName CTHULHU
DocumentRoot /home/user/.q3a
AccessLog /var/log/monkeyd/access.log
ErrorLog /var/log/monkeyd/error.log
404 404.html
andcat /etc/monkeyd/monkey.conf | egrep -v "^\s*(#|$)"
Port 80
Workers 0
Timeout 15
PidFile /var/run/monkey.pid
UserDir public_html
Indexfile index.html index.htm index.php
HideVersion on
Resume on
User nobody
KeepAlive on
KeepAliveTimeout 5
MaxKeepAliveRequest 1000
MaxRequestSize 32
SymLink Off
TransportLayer liana
DefaultMimeType text/plain

~/soft/GtkRadiant-1.6.4-Linux-i686-20131213 $ ./q3map2 -convert -format map -game urt ~/.q3a/q3ut4/inferno/ut4_inferno_b3/maps/ut4_inferno_b3.bsp2.5.17/home/USER/soft/GtkRadiant-1.6.4-Linux-i686-20131213/bspc -bsp2aas /home/USER/.q3a/q3ut4/inferno/ut4_inferno_b3/maps/ut4_inferno_b3.bsp -forcesidesvisible -optimize

home/USER/soft/GtkRadiant-1.6.4-Linux-i686-20131213/bspc -bsp2aas /home/USER/.q3a/q3ut4/inferno/ut4_inferno_b3/maps/ut4_inferno_b3_converted.bsp -optimize -threads 2 -forcesidesvisible

seta bot_aasoptimize «1»
seta bot_saveroutingcache «0» //
seta bot_thinktime «100»
seta sensitivity «6.5» //sensitivity setting
seta cl_mouseAccel «1» //accelerates your mouse speed over time
seta cl_pitchspeed «140» //sets the pitch rate when +lookup and/or +lookdown are active
seta cl_yawspeed «140» //sets the yaw rate when +left and/or +right are active
seta m_pitch «0.012» //sets the «sensitivity» on the y-axis (Vertically) Up and Down
seta m_yaw «0.011» //sets the «sensitivity» on the x-axis (Horizontally) Left and Right
seta m_forward «0.25» //sets the back and forth movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves
seta m_side «0.25» //sets the strafe movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves
seta m_filter «0» //Turns mouse smoothing on
cl_mouseAccelOffset 5// nimber of pixels to accelerate
X-Ray: Проблемы с мышкой, но лечится прописыванием в консоли input_exclusi_mode 0 (как начнете вводить сразу появится подсказочка с нужным текстом).
cg_thirdPersonRange 80
cg_thirdPersonAngle 20
In Urban Terror the variable used to change or select your player model is called «race», you can chose from «raceblue» (aka SWAT) or «racered» (aka Bad Guys).  Here is the syntax and the how to use this command:

racered #

raceblue #

The numbers call out which player model you wish to use for that race, here are the available options.:

Blue:  0 = Alda, 1 = Carla, 2 = Tom, 3 = Tashiki(/funred pbeard)

Red: 0 = Sarah, 1 = Misu, 2 = Rafiq, 3 = Denzel(/funred pbeard)

So as an example if I wanted to be the character «Misu» I would type in the console (remember to omit the «/» if in a config file):

/racered 1
armband = cg_rgb 3 64 0

//========== Crouch Toggle ============= by <taggedzi>
set sit «+movedown;wait 15;ut_echo Crouch Stat: CROUCHED; set crouch vstr stand»
set stand «-movedown;wait 15;ut_echo Crouch Stat: STANDING;set crouch vstr sit»
set crouch «vstr sit»
bind alt “vstr crouch”
Alternative Download

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